Hessam Eshghi Sanati (1983) is an architect, educator, author, translator and lecturer at Iran universities, was born in Rasht, a city from north of Iran.

Hessam Eshghi Sanati is graduated from Art University of Tehran in the field of architectural engineering in 2008. For more than a decade, he has experience in teaching design, history, and architectural theory at university and also researches in the field of architectural criticism and theory. After graduating from university, in 2012, he established his own office called “TEAMA studio” in Rasht, and since 2020 until now, he continues to work professionally in designing and constructing projects under the name of “Hessam Eshghi Sanati and Associates”. His main translated and written books in Persian language include:
- Theoretical Anxiety and Design Strategies in the Work of Eight Contemporary Architects, Rafael Moneo (Iran: Kasra Press)
- Herzog and De Meuron; Architectural Chemists (Iran: Kasra Press)
- Architecture and Disjunction, Bernard Tschumi (Iran: Fekreno Press)
- Rome Koolhaas in Conversation with Students, Rome Koolhaas (Iran: Fekreno Press)
- Manhattan Transcripts, Bernard Tschumi (Iran: Fekreno Press)
- Lateness, Peter Eisenman (Iran: Fekreno Press)
- Introduction to Japanese Architecture (Iran: Fekreno Press)
Also, His main published articles in Persian language include:
- Thresholds in the Native Housing of Guilan (Memar Magazine)
- Architecture After the Rain (Honar-e-Memari Quarterly)
- Apartment Building In the Metropolis; In the Struggle Between Beauty And Function (Kooche Quarterly)
- 2 Architect, 10 questions about the program: Rem Koolhaas + Bernard Tschumi (Honar-e-Memari Quarterly)
- A Study of Construction Rules in Japan (Shams Quarterly)
- An analysis of the Architectural Plan-Checking Reports as a Reflection of the Architectural Design Services Condition in Rasht (Quarterly Journal of Urban Management)
- An Investigation Of The Effect Of Social And Cultural Factors On The Skeletal Texture Of Gilan Province’s Villages (Quarterly Journal of Housing and Rural Environment)
- Reconstruction of buildings using airborne laser scanners and aimed at matching graphs (Fan-o-Honar Quarterly)
And also from his main writings which is published on architectural websites can be referred to:
- What do we know about the expo? Critique and Reading of Iran Pavilion at Expo Dubai – 2020
- Twelve Ways to Reform Architectural Education
- Eupalinos and the Duck: Conceptualism in Recent Architecture
- The Relationship Between Space and Place in Architecture based on the ideas of Heidegger and Nurberg Schultz
- Submission of Architectural Design under Ascendency of Strong Medium in the Name of Computer
His background and other activities include:
- Basic member of Guilan Construction Engineering Organization – Grade 1
- 14 years of teaching experience in universities of Guilan province, Iran
- Guidance of more than 40 undergraduate dissertations for obtaining bachelor’s degree in architectural engineering at the universities of Guilan Province
- Cooperation in two courses programming of “Guilan Architecture Award”
His executive experiences include:
- Member of the technical group of Guilan Housing Foundation
- Member of the specialized commission of architecture of Guilan Construction Engineering Organization
- Member of architectural plan-checking in Guilan Construction Engineering Organization
- Manager of architecture department and member of educational council in Tehran Elmi-Karbordi (Applied Science) university
He is also one of the jury member of “Iranian Society of Architectural Critics and Writers”.

2 Comments. Leave new
He is a great architecture and writer
I think he should establish a online class for educated students and new architectures
I agree with you.